
What you'll learn

  • Basic fundamentals of Python programming.
  • Become zero to hero in Python programming.
  • Learn FASTAPI, Django and Machine learning.
  • Project management, development and deployment.
  • API development using FASTAPI framework.
  • Python programming interview questions.
  • Python programming mock interview preparation.
  • Helping resume creation.


  • Carry your own laptop with decent configurations

  • Course overview
  • Course outcome
  • Installing anaconda, jupyter notebook
  • Working with environments

  • Getting started with Python programming
  • Features of Python programming
  • Applications of Python programming
  • Reasons to famous Python programming
  • Python data type, keywords, literals, operators and comments
  • Python If…Else statement, break, continue and pass keywords
  • While, Do…while and for loops
  • Arrays, lists, tuples, sets and dictionary in Python
  • Practical

  • Handling strings with Python
  • String operators and methods
  • Splitting and joining strings
  • Regex functions with Python
  • Practical

  • Getting started with functions
  • Built-in functions
  • Creating custom functions
  • Lambda / anonymous functions
  • Python modules and packages
  • Building own modules and packages
  • Python decorators and generators
  • Map, reduce and filter functions
  • Common libraries
  • Practical

  • Introduction of object-oriented programming
  • Defining class and methods
  • Python constructors and destructor
  • Python inheritance
  • Method overloading and overriding
  • Abstraction and interface
  • Python magic methods
  • Practical

  • Read, write and append file using Python
  • Read and write csv file
  • Read and write excel file
  • Read and write text file
  • Read and write json file
  • Buffered read and write
  • Practical

  • Getting Python exceptional handling
  • Types of exceptional handling
  • Exception block and assert statement
  • User defined exceptions
  • Python threading and multithreading
  • Deadlock condition
  • Working with multiprocessing
  • Practical

  • Introduction about database management System
  • Database keys
  • SQL vs NOSQL
  • Relational database management system
  • Database connectivity
  • Create a new database
  • Create tables
  • CRUD operations
  • Join operations
  • Commit and rollback
  • Practical

  • Getting started with FASTAPI
  • Make your first FASTAPI
  • Overview of API
  • Understanding asynchronous vs synchronous APIs
  • Routes and end points
  • Making simple APIs with various routes
  • Sending post, get, patch, delete requests
  • Sending request and getting response in json format
  • Testing with postman
  • Project 1
  • Project 2

  • Getting started with Django
  • Django installation and configuration
  • Django MVT structures
  • Django admin panel
  • Django static files handling
  • Django with database integration
  • CRUD operation
  • Project 1
  • Project 2

  • Getting started with Machine learning
  • Types of Machine learning
  • Supervised learning
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Classification and Regression
  • Project 1

  • GitHub management
  • Project deployment

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