
What you'll learn

  • Basic fundamentals of Computer vision.
  • Image and video processing with OpenCV and mediapipe libraries.
  • Data augmentation and data annotation.
  • CNN architecture, hyper parameter tuning and transfer learning.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks.
  • Image classification, Object detection, Image segmentation, Face recognition, Pose estimation, Face generation, Image filtering, Art and Painting generation etc.
  • Project management, development and deployment.
  • Web scraping techniques.
  • Hands on experience in real world projects.
  • API development using FASTAPI framework.
  • Computer vision interview questions.
  • Computer vision mock interview preparation.
  • Helping resume creation.


  • Carry your own laptop with decent configurations
  • Knowledge about Python programming language.
  • Machine learning and Deep learning concepts.
  • Familiar with TensorFlow and Pytorch frameworks.

  • Course overview
  • Course outcome
  • Installing anaconda, jupyter notebook
  • Working with environments

  • Industrial and real-world applications of Computer vision
  • Importance of Computer vision
  • Computer vision pipeline
  • Getting started with images
  • Getting started with videos

  • Drawing functions
  • Basic operations on image
  • Arithmetic operations on images
  • Changing colorspaces
  • Geometric transformations of images
  • Image thresholding
  • Smoothing images
  • Morphological transformations
  • Image gradients
  • Canny edge detection
  • Image pyramids
  • Contours in OpenCV
  • Template matching
  • Image segmentation with watchrshed algorithm
  • Interactive foreground extraction using grabCut algorithm
  • Feature detection
  • Object detection
  • Project 1
  • Project 2

  • Various operations on video
  • Meanshift and camshift
  • Background subtraction
  • Video filters
  • Video analysis

  • Introduction of mediapipe
  • Image processing with mediapipe
  • Video processing with mediapipe
  • Project 1
  • Project 2

  • Introduction of Data augmentation
  • Importance of Data augmentation
  • Data Augmentation with Augmentations
  • Data Augmentation with Imgaug
  • Data augmentation with scikit-image
  • Project 1

  • Introduction of Data annotation
  • Importance of Data annotation
  • Data annotation with VGG annotator
  • Data annotation with LabelImg
  • Data annotation with MakeSense.ai
  • Project 1

  • Introduction of CNN
  • CNN vs ANN
  • Importance of CNN
  • Architecture of CNN
  • Kernels, channels, filters, stride and padding
  • Convolutional, pooling and fully connected layers
  • Dropout, regularizations methods
  • Building custom Convolutional Neural Network
  • Model fine tuning
  • Project 1

  • Introduction of Transfer learning
  • Working flow and importance of transfer learning
  • Working with Pretrained models
  • VGG models
  • ResNet models
  • Inception models
  • Project 1
  • Project 2
  • Project 3

  • Introduction of Object detection
  • Object localization
  • Sliding window
  • Bounding boxes
  • Intersection over union (IoU)
  • Non-Max suppression
  • Overlapping objects
  • Single shot detector (SSD)
  • Region with CNN (RCNN)
  • Fast RCNN
  • Faster RCNN
  • YOLO models
  • Deeplabv3
  • Project 1
  • Project 2
  • Project 3

  • Introduction of Image segmentation
  • Type of Image segmentations
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Instance segmentation
  • Mask R-CNN
  • UNet model
  • Detectron2
  • Project 1
  • Project 2

  • Getting started with GANs
  • Applications of GANs
  • Building custom GANs model
  • Working with DCGAN
  • Working with CycleGAN
  • Working with StyleGAN
  • Working with Pix2PixGAN
  • Working with SRGAN
  • Project 1
  • Project 2

  • Introduction of Open AI’s Dall E 2 model
  • Web scraping techniques
  • FASTAPI development
  • GitHub management
  • Project deployment
  • Level up your Kaggle profile

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